Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bathtub of doom

Andrew was over today working on my water heater venting situation. Really, he was here to make sure the work got done. That's what I pay him for. OK, I pay him because he knows what he's doing, but also because he'll gently push me along and encourage me to leave some of my OCD tendencies behind. Like peeling the label off the top of my vent cap. Which nobody will ever see.

I figured I'd better buy the bathtub today, because Andrew's ready to go (he's going to push the bathroom project) and I am ready to bathe. So I went to Lowe's where the bath guy helped me figure out how to get the tub I want. And then I went to Home Depot to check their prices. Of course they're the same, but HD offered a 12-month zero-interest store card, where Lowe's only offered 6, so decision made.

I paid a little more for the tub to be delivered to my house. It weighs 440 pounds. I think that's probably for the best. And I think Andrew is going to have to reinforce my floor.

Here it is -- a left-handed American Standard Spectra 5 1/2' cast iron apron-front tub:

It probably weighs more than a Kia Spectra.

So it's before 4pm, and I could go to the Y and take a shower and get some real work done today, but I'm going to just skip it and enjoy the Christmas party at the Admiral tonight.

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